Signposting to crisis and other services
I’m in crisis, or someone else is:
Out of hours MH line:
8am to 8pm – If you need to speak to someone urgently, then you can ring the CAMHS Crisis Advice Line on 01484 343763
8pm to 8am – Contact Night OWLS; a support service available every day for children, young people, parents and carers across West Yorkshire.
Call free on 0800 148 8244, text on 07984376950 or go to the website to use the online chat function:
Local Care Direct
Urgent Medical and Dental Services across Yorkshire
I need information and support in my area, or nationally:
Noah’s Ark Centre (Integrated Wellbeing Service)
The Integrated Wellbeing Service (IWS) is a self-referring, free wellbeing service for young people aged 16-25 living in or accessing services in the Park and Ovenden Wards in Halifax. The IWS offers a variety of support to help people improve their wellbeing and to enjoy a happy and healthier life.
You can choose to take part in one or more of the following:
- Counselling/therapy (up to 10 sessions)
- ‘Real food’ cooking groups
- Walking groups
- Money advice/budgeting course
- Access to grants/carpets